Control of the Crystal Grain Size in Twin-roll Cast-rolling Aluminium Stocks 铸轧铝板坯晶粒度的控制
According to the researches of SEM and TEM, HP-ZnS crystal has grain-like structure, which shows typical { 111} twin, and this indicates that twinning is one of the main distortion mechanism during sintering when facing hot press. SEM和TEM的研究表明,HP-ZnS多晶为粒状镶嵌结构,具有典型的{111}生长方向的孪晶,表明在热压烧结变形中孪生机制占有主导地位。
Investigations of the Molecular Arrangements in Thin Lanthanide Phthalocyanine Films with HREM I: MOLECULAR, CRYSTAL AND TWIN STRUCTURES 稀土双酞菁薄膜中分子排列的高分辨电镜研究&Ⅰ.分子、晶体和孪晶结构
It can reduce the effect of the bombardment of the plasma on the base thin films, has high deposition speed and high crystal degree, using the twin targets to sputter ZnO: Al ( ZAO) films. 采用对向孪生靶溅射ZnO:Al(ZAO)薄膜可减少等离子体对基底薄膜轰击损伤,沉积速率与结晶程度高;
At the time of deformation reached 40%, the appearance of the crystal changed greatly: the size refined, boundary turned clear, second phase disappeared and twin crystal structure appeared. 变形量为40%时,轧板的晶粒形貌发生了显著变化,晶粒变得细小,晶界清晰,第二相完全消失,并出现孪晶组织。
The new concept of strain barrier in twin boundary ( SBTB) is proposed and it is considered that the crystal imperfection raises the energy state of the crystal itself and results in the decrease of height of strain barrier and easy formation of twin. 作者提出了双晶界应变能势垒的概念,认为由于晶体的不完整性提高了晶体本身的能量状态,结果相对降低了应变能势垒的高度,使得双晶易于发生。
Tb-Dy-Fe twin crystal or polycrystal magnetostrictive materials are normally employed as driving unit in magnetostrictive actuator, yet the crystal boundary and twin crystal structure in the Tb-Dy-Fe materials hinder the movement of domain walls so that the displacement output under low magnetic field is rather small. 磁致伸缩型微位移致动器通常采用多晶或孪晶结构材料作为驱动单元,由于晶界和孪晶界对畴壁的移动具有阻碍作用,其低场下的位移输出较小,调控精度受到较大影响。
The selected area electron diffraction ( SAED) pattern of the twin was indexed by transforming matrix of hexagon crystal twin plan. 并采用六方晶系孪晶面的变换矩阵对孪晶电子衍射花样进行了标定。
The image deconvolution technique in combination with dynamical scattering effect correction developed previously for crystal defect investigation has been modified to meet the interface study and applied to a { 111} twin model of GaP. 本文以GaP{111}孪晶界面高分辨电子显微像为例,将解卷处理和动力学散射效应校正相结合的技术应用于晶体界面处显微像的研究。
The methods for improving measuring accuracy of optical voltage transducer are presented, These methods include selection of suitable electro-optical crystal, eliminating natural birefringenct influence with annealing method, temperature compensation performed with twin crystal or spinning reflector method and double light path compensation, etc. 提高光学电压互感器测量精度的方法,包括选择合适的电光晶体,利用退火法消除自然双折射的影响,利用双晶体或旋转反射法进行温度补偿以及双光路温度补偿等。
On the crystal surfaces of the beryl crystal at { 0001},{ 1010},{ 1121} occur universally screw dislocation, constriction screw dislocation, stacking fault, and contact twin that serve as the major step like source for the growth of beryl crystal. 在绿柱石晶体的{0001}、{1010}、{1121}面上,普遍发育螺旋位错、束合螺旋位错、层错及接触双晶,它们共同构成了绿柱石晶体生长的主要台阶源。
The growth procedure and crystal form of hydrothermal KTP are reported in this article. Some defects in the hydrothermally grown KTP crystal were researched. The macroscopic defects of hydrothermal KTP crystal are mainly twin and coalescence crystal, growth spine, cracks and inclusions. 本文报道了水热法KTP晶体的生长工艺及晶体生长形态,系统研究了水热法KTP晶体的宏观缺陷,其宏观缺陷主要为添晶、生长脊线、裂隙和包裹体。
The feature of the crystal boundary and the formation for arsenopyrite twin 毒砂双晶中晶界特点与双晶成因
When Wt < 20 nm, no stable crystal dislocation segments exist in the twin. 孪晶宽度小于20nm时,孪晶内没有稳定的晶格位错存在。
The results showed that in the specimens there exist crystal defects such as twin boundary, dislocation, growth bands and substructure. 发现晶体中存在有孪晶界、位错、生长带和亚结构等多种缺陷。
The twin structure and natural morphology of KTiOPO_4 crystal are stated in detail, and the effect of the twin structure on crystal growth is also discussed. 报道了KTiOPO4(KTP)晶体的双晶结构及其自然形态,讨论了双晶结构对晶体生长的影响。
Melting model in screw zone for crystal polymer pellets in co rotating twin screw extrusion 同向双螺杆挤出结晶型粒料非啮合区熔融过程模型
There are a lot of crystal twin in the powder particles. 高速压制后,粉末颗粒中有大量的孪晶存在。
In addition, Natural and synthetic crystal can be identified by characteristics of inclusion, distribution of color, twin crystal and so on. However, the accurate identification of rock crystals which the interior is clear is a hard problem in gemstone industry. 此外,天然与合成水晶一般可通过包裹体特征、颜色分布、双晶等方面来鉴定,而内部纯净的水晶如何准确鉴定一直是宝石界的一大难题。
Progress has been made in the crystal structure, magnetic performance, phase transitions and mechanism of magnetically induced strain. However, the mechanism of the twin boundary motion, which controls the shape memory effect has not been well known. 在晶体结构、基础磁学性能、合金中的相变以及磁致应变表象机制等方面,都取得了显著进展,但是对于决定形状记忆效应的微观机制尚未进行深入的探讨。
Its grain refinement mechanism may dislocation produces on different slip plane and form twin crystal. These twin crystal tangles each other. 其晶粒细化机理为:位错在不同滑移面上排列后,形成挛晶,然后这些孪晶进行交割,最终将晶粒细化而产生纳米晶。